Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A normal person has an average life span of 50-80. If lucky, you can live up to a hundred years or even more. If you think about it, life is long, you can live for up to so many years unlike other living beings. Yes, life indeed seems so long that you may take it for granted. Until the day comes where this very long life that seemed so long is replaced by this opposite sad event where all things a person have experienced, accomplished etc. would be gone in an instant; death.

I know for a fact that life will always come to an end. That in the long journey of a person, there will and always be an end to it. That's just the way it is. Though sometimes there might also come a time, where we would take for granted the company or existence of a person we know. That we may think they would always be there when we need them and take them for granted. Because we would think that life is long and there's always time, but when that time comes, that time we know, would turn into regrets; sadness that is so hard to overcome. You would wish that you had spent more time with that person, have spent much more happy moments, have said sorry for all the things you've done, have said thank you for the happy moments, advices, luxury. You'd wish that you were there when he died, that you had given him at least the last hug, those last words; thank you - i love you and goodbye. You'd wish you have been a better person, that you could have done something in order to make things have a different result --- but that's life, regret always comes in the end.
So you think again, life isn't really that long after all..

Sorry - Thank you - I love you - Good bye
Rest in peace dad.. February 18 1951 - October 8 , 2009

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