Sunday, July 26, 2015

Love by basic definition is a strong feeling of emotion or affection towards a person or thing. But it is actually broad that there are different kinds of love and is often compared to different things as a way to define it. Hard to breathe, preventing tears from falling, body temperature getting high, heartbeat rising. I never thought I'd feel this way after learning -- in an awkward manner -- that the person I stopped loving by my choice has found another person to love. It was my choice to stop, my choice to leave her. But I didn't want her to be completely out of my life.. I still care for her and enjoy the small limited conversations, then maybe that's selfish of me to think that we could be friends or maybe I just wasn't ready for this fact that was definitely coming. That now she would be completely out of my life. I've never felt this much emotion for a long time. Even though I shouldn't? The timing to miss her and wanting to talk to her was just.. in time. Why am I still feeling this way after sleeping? A friend said to be honest to myself. The problem is I don't know.. I don't wanna mess things up for her anymore. I just hope this feeling goes away after writing this.